The Cardboard Regatta

Every year around this time Reston, along with local businesses, sponsors an annual “Cardboard Regatta”.  Basically, school kids, often with the aid of their parents and teachers build cardboard boats for a sailing competition in Lake Anne. Teams get in the boats they designed and constructed,  and then they are launched. The teams compete to make the best time paddling up to one buoy and back—without sinking. 

Reston, VA — August 10, 2024. Waiting for the Cardboard Regatta to start.

Today, August 10 was the Saturday for this year’s annual Cardboard Regatta. So…Mary Anne and I went over to Lake Anne to watch the proceedings, along with a throng of people who were also there to watch and to shop at the Farmer’s Market. The place was just packed. It was also hot and humid. But the crowd was in good spirits and rooted all the players on. And yes—at least one boat named the Purple People Eater, sank. The sailors were duly rescued by the volunteer rescue squad assembled for that purpose. All in all, a good time was had by all.

Reston, VA — Aug 10, 2024. Contestants in a cardboard boat begin the race.
Reston, VA — Augsut 10, 2024. The Purple People capsizes, and another boat boat streaks ahead.
Reston, VA — Augsut 10, 2024. Sailors from the Purple People are fished out of the water by volunteer lifeguards.
Reston, VA — August 10, 2024. One of the more successful boats heads for the finish.