We were able to take a quick trip up to the Jersey Shore to see friends, including a couple from California who rented a house in Ship Bottom on Long Beach Island. It’s been quite a while since we stayed on LBI. It has really been built up; especially since the times we went there when we were (ahem) quite a bit younger. Still nice as ever though.

We also got a chance to see friends from the Spring Lake area and bumped into Mary Anne’s brother Joe while we were out to dinner in Sea Girt. That was a surprise, so we made plans with Joe McDonald to go out to Charlie’s in Bay Head for lunch the next day.

Actually the whole visit turned into a bit of a restaurant tour. We wound up going to Scarborough Fare, Inn in Main, Charlies, Brandls. We also had a fine dinner of BBQ chicken at Dennis and Maryanne Mulvihill’s house in Spring Lake. All in all a good time was had by all, and we will be back before too long.

We also got a chance to make our way to Ocean Grove where the Tent Houses were set up.

And that’s all for now. We will be back at the Shore before too long.