Located in Doylestown, PA, the Mercer Museum, Research Library and Fonthill Castle are owned and operated by the Bucks County Historical Society. The Museum was first listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. The Fonthill Castle and the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works are listed in the Register as well.
The structures on the grounds are concrete, built to the specifications of Henry Mercer. He wanted to make his estate, which would house his collections of artifacts, fireproof. He succeeded. The mansion was built between 1908 and 1912; the Museum was finally completed in 1916.
Mercer was a gentleman philanthropist who collected artifacts from all over the world and brought them back to the US. The Museum houses a wide variety of the artifacts that Mercer collected. The Tiles that decorate the house, including the ceilings, were designed by Mercer.
We went and visited the Museum, Tile Works and Mansion over the weekend. It was pretty cold, wintry and dark. The darkness was more pronounced in some parts of the mansion and Tile Works. But my trusty Leica Q2 was up to the low light task. Some photos form the visit are below.