A visit to Chan Mae included stops at Hoi An, Dan Nang and China Beach. It is officially dubbed Marble Beach, but the official name is ignored in favor of China Beach. Here are some photos that include the bustling market in Hoi An’s Chinatown, the jungle in My Son (pronounced Mee Sun), and China Beach in Da Nang.

China Beach on the South China Sea, Da Nang, Vietnam

Woman on Bicycle in Market

Street Corner Vendors in Hoi An

Street Market in Hoi An

Woman Carries Produce to Market in Hoi An

Woman Carries Goods to Market in Hoi An

Chinese Lanterns for Sale in Hoi Ans China Town

Path through Jungle in My Son leading to Pagoda of the Cham People begun in the year 1 AD

Bridge in My Son (Mee Sun) where the Cham people lived

In the Market

Pushing Goods to Market in Hoi An

Trader makes a sale