Visitors to Reston, Virginia

Two of our very good friends from Brisbane, Australia stopped by to visit us in Reston Virginia over the Labor Day weekend.  The phrase “just stopped by” sounds a little casual when the starting point is so far away. Actually it’s just under 10,000 miles away. So it is quite a journey. 

They started out in the Western US, eventually came to Reston and are headed off to England for a wedding. Then, among other things, they will head out  for a cruise before heading back to Australia. So it will be a busy time. 

A dramatic landscape photograph that looks down over farms and vineyards of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

While in Reston, we basically chilled out as the summer comes to an end. All too soon I might add. During the visit we went to a vineyard in the Blue Ridge Mountains, said hello to John Denver (that bit is a lie), visited Potomac Falls Park, rested by the pool in our condo and saw some of the sights in Reston.  

A 50mm photo of Potomac Falls taken on a September afternoon.
A photo of a hiking trail in Potomac Falls Park with interesting interplay between light and shadows.

Some other photos from the visit are posted below. 

Reston, VA — SEpt 4, 2024. A wide angle iPhone photo of Reston Town Square Park in the afternoon.
Reston, VA — Set 4, 2024. An iPhone photograph of Reston Town Square Park in the afternoon.
